Special Programs

In addition to the Montessori curriculum, we offer the following special programs:


Weekly music classes are offered to all of the students. Our music specialists bring a passion for and a joy of music. Students sing, play instruments, and learn music theory. The students share their accomplishments during Arts Night at the end of the school year.



Art is available in the classroom at all times, including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, theater, performance, puppetry, carpentry, animation, and various crafts. We also visit museums, attend performances and invite specialists in their field to share their passions.

Foreign Language Classes

Latin classes are offered weekly to all students grade 4 and above and the Junior High class is continuing their study of Italian after their odyssey trip to Italy in the spring of 2024.

A jr. high student showing preschoolers her International Day display.

International Day

In late October the classes host an International Day celebration. The oldest students are ambassadors from their chosen country (complete with a booth set up with items from their country--food, costumes, art, maps, etc.). Parents and friends come into the classrooms to share their heritage or travels with the students. International games and treats are shared, and a good time is had by all.



We ski and snowboard every year at Ragged Mountain in Danbury for 5 Fridays. Parents are encouraged to come to ski as well! We have lessons in the morning and then ski for the rest of the day. Skiing is a great opportunity for the children to exercise their independence, responsibility, and sense of accomplishment. It is amazing to watch how quickly the students become great skiers.

Two first grade students skiing.

The Jr. High Class trip to Italy.

Field Trips

The Preschool students take 2 major trips in the school year; a trip to an apple orchard, and in the spring, a trip to a maple sugaring farm. During the preschool summer camp, field trips are taken weekly.
The Elementary students take many field trips throughout the year to complement the curriculum and the interests of the students. There is also an annual overnight camping trip for all Elementary students. The Jr. High has an Odyssey trip in the Spring (England, Iceland, Italy, NYC, Montreal, Quebec, Washington, DC, USA Road Trip are some of our adventures).

Upcoming Events

Admissions Inquiry Form

Summer Program: 3-6 year olds

2024-2025 Calendar

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