Enrollment Procedure

The following steps are required for enrollment:

1. Admissions Inquiry Form

2. Classroom Observation

3. Wait for an Opening

4. Classroom Visit

5. Acceptance

Admission Inquiry Form Please return the completed admissions inquiry form if you want your child placed on our waiting list. Because so many people call for information, it becomes necessary to create this second step to separate serious applicants from those in the information-gathering phase. When the admission form is received, it is placed in our file, and when there is an opening, you will be contacted. Meanwhile you should make arrangements to observe the classroom that you wish your child to attend. Press here to fill out our online admission form.

Observation: The Montessori Method is a special kind of education, and we want to be certain that you understand what we are offering. Observations are scheduled beginning mid-October of each school year, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. You should plan to stay in the classroom for about an hour starting at 9:30. We may have other times available for observations, so please call.

Waiting: Most of our placements take place in September, but we do sometimes have openings mid-year. Given the nature of the Montessori approach, a child can fit into the curriculum any time during the year. Do not hesitate to call about mid-year placement.

Visit: A Classroom Visit day is an important part of the enrollment process. We want your child to be familiar with the Classroom before his/her first day and we value the opportunity to meet and work with them before that first day. On rare occasions, a child's visit will indicate that our structure might not be the best fit to meet their needs, or that they would simply benefit from a little more time to grow before joining us.

Acceptance: There are sometimes mid-year openings. If your child is applying for one of those then enrollment will be immediate. Otherwise, we have visitation in the spring for the fall openings. An Enrollment and Tuition Agreement will need to be returned upon notification of acceptance.

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Admissions Inquiry Form

Summer Program: 3-6 year olds

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